
WREN (Jennifer Wren Supak) is an abstract expressionist who works with the mediums of photography, video, and painting. She has exhibited her work in major cities and events, including Miami’s Art Basel-SCOPE Miami, the Budapest Mini Video Art Festival, Colombia, and other US and international galleries. Her artwork is in several collections or on permanent exhibition.  In 2011, she researched Georgia O’Keefe’s earliest abstractions at the American Modernism Research Center. In 2015, she was an International Artist in Residence at the Hungarian Multicultural Center. 2018, as a Hubert H Humphrey Public Leadership Scholar and a guest of the Restrepo Center for Civil Reconstruction at the National University of Colombia, she researched art related to post-conflict justice- in the form of non-narrative, creative storytelling. 

Wren has shared her research at The Nobel Peace Prize Forum, the Museum Innovation Forum, the College Art Association, the American Alliance of Museums, and classes and students across disciplines as a speaker and in the form of studio art lessons. Her background is in arts administration, museum education, and studio arts. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in visual arts from the Vermont College of Fine Arts,  a Master of Human Rights in the role of art in peacemaking from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, and she is a museum studies and art education doctoral student at Florida State University. She is the Gallery Director and Curator at Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Northwest Florida State College. Her responsibilities at NWFSC encompass art galleries, a political history museum, and a World War Two history museum. She was born in Virginia Beach, USA. 


Pensacola Museum of Art Juried Show, New Mexico Landscape, painting, 2018. Exhibition:  March through May 2024

Annual Faculty Show Northwest Florida State College

Photo Series,  MamU Gallery Budapest, Hungary, exhibit, curated by Beata Szechy Budapest, Hungary 2023

Body of Water one-minute digital painting, Mini Video Art Festival, Budapest, Hungary 2020

Amnesia Time – Video Art at Budapest’s Mini Video Art Festival, 2021  

Pull, November 20-January 3, 2021, curated by Jill Conner of AS Studios NYC|Paris.  “17 abstract paintings that explore the nature of gravity as it interacts with paint and surface materials. Across each surface, Supak introduces multiple shades of color through a very limited number of applications. Traces and echos balance equally while silhouettes of negative space begin to form. The artist’s rendering of subtle layers, through either the application of powdered pigment or sand, creates a sense of depth that leads to the experience of perception, recognition, and representation. Supak’s varied combinations of color expand further and examine the way that objects and figures seek new form while anchored to the serendipitous.” — Curator, critic, Jill Conner, 2020

Soft time University of Minnesota Physicians Mill City Clinic Gallery (across from the Guthrie Theater.) 901 South 2nd Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Exhibition: July 12, 2019- October 25, 2019. Hours: M-F 8-5, Saturday 8-12. Reception: September 12, 2019, 5:30-7:30 pm. An exhibition of ten paintings, half of them new. Curated by Donna Bruni Cox. 

First, We Removed Our Shoes, a painting on view since 2017 at the Tychman Shapiro Gallery, second-floor installation, in Sabes Jewish Community Center, Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Originally commissioned/organized by the University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies Center and curated by the Tychman Shapiro Gallery Art Director, Robyn Awend, for a 2017 exhibition in [RE]Telling, Contemporary Responses to Artist Fritz Hirschberger with comments from Yad Vashem’s, then lead curator.

Body of Water, a digital painting, included in the Hungarian Mini Video Art Festival and on view at MAMŰ Galéria, Damjanich u. 39, 1071, Budapest, Hungary. Curated by Beata Szechy, Director of Hungarian Multicultural Center, Budapest, Hungary. On view: Summer 2019

Talk to me! jwrensupak@gmail.com

Talk to me! jwrensupak@gmail.com